Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Open Yale: European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)

  1. Introduction
  2. Absolutism and the State
  3. Dutch and British Exceptionalism
  4. Peter the Great
  5. The Enlightenment and the Public Sphere
  6. Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
  7. Napoleon
  8. Industrial Revolutions
  9. Middle Classes
  10. Popular Protest
  11. Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
  12. Nineteenth-Century Cities
  13. Nationalism
  14. Radicals
  15. Imperialists and Boy Scouts
  16. The Coming of the Great War
  17. War in the Trenches
  18. Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Guest Lecture by Jay Winters)
  19. The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution
  20. Successor States of Eastern Europe
  21. Stalinism
  22. Fascists
  23. Collaboration and Resistance in World War II
  24. The Collapse of Communism and Global Challenges


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